Table of Contents

Class StoryGoalHandler


A handler class for interacting with all of the major goal systems in Subnautica, which are essential for the's game progression.

Allows for important game events to be triggered after a specified action is completed.

public static class StoryGoalHandler
Inherited Members


RegisterBiomeGoal(string, GoalType, string, float, float)

Registers a goal that is completed when the player stays in a given biome for a specified period of time.
public static BiomeGoal RegisterBiomeGoal(string key, GoalType goalType, string biomeName, float minStayDuration, float delay = 0)


key string
The unique identifier, required for all types of StoryGoals.
goalType GoalType
If assigned a value other than 'Story', this will determine the automatic response to being triggered. Can add a PDA log, Radio message or Databank entry.
biomeName string
The biome that must be entered to trigger this goal.
minStayDuration float
The minimum amount of time the player must stay in the given biome.
delay float
StoryGoal listeners will not be notified until this many seconds after the goal is completed.


The registered Story.BiomeGoal.

RegisterCompoundGoal(string, GoalType, float, params string[])

Registers a goal that is completed when all required "precondition" goals have been completed
public static CompoundGoal RegisterCompoundGoal(string key, GoalType goalType, float delay, params string[] requiredGoals)


key string
The unique identifier, required for all types of StoryGoals.
goalType GoalType
If assigned a value other than 'Story', this will determine the automatic response to being triggered. Can add a PDA log, Radio message or Databank entry.
delay float
StoryGoal listeners will not be notified until this many seconds after the goal is completed.
requiredGoals string[]
The list of all goals that must be completed before this goal is marked as complete.


The registered Story.CompoundGoal.


Registers a given Action to be performed when a goal is completed.
public static void RegisterCustomEvent(Action<string> customEventCallback)


customEventCallback Action<string>
The method that is called when any goal is completed. The name of the goal will be passed as a parameter.

RegisterCustomEvent(string, Action)

Registers a given Action to be performed when its associated goal is completed.
public static void RegisterCustomEvent(string key, Action customEventCallback)


key string
The key of the goal that triggers the customEventCallback.
customEventCallback Action
The method that is called when the associated goal is completed.

RegisterItemGoal(string, GoalType, TechType, float)

Registers a goal that is completed when an object with the given TechType is picked up, equipped, or crafted through the Mobile Vehicle Bay.

Important: This method can be called as many times as needed to add different goals to the same TechType.

public static ItemGoal RegisterItemGoal(string key, GoalType goalType, TechType techType, float delay = 0)


key string
The unique identifier, required for all types of StoryGoals.
goalType GoalType
If assigned a value other than 'Story', this will determine the automatic response to being triggered. Can add a PDA log, Radio message or Databank entry.
techType TechType
The TechType that causes this goal to trigger, when picked up, equipped or crafted through the Mobile Vehicle Bay.
delay float
StoryGoal listeners will not be notified until this many seconds after the goal is completed.


The registered Story.ItemGoal.

RegisterLocationGoal(string, GoalType, Vector3, float, float, float)

Registers a goal that is completed when the player stays within range of a certain position for a specified period of time.
public static LocationGoal RegisterLocationGoal(string key, GoalType goalType, Vector3 position, float range, float minStayDuration, float delay = 0)


key string
The unique identifier, required for all types of StoryGoals.
goalType GoalType
If assigned a value other than 'Story', this will determine the automatic response to being triggered. Can add a PDA log, Radio message or Databank entry.
position Vector3
The center of the sphere that must be occupied.
range float
The radius of the sphere that must be occupied.
minStayDuration float
The minimum amount of time the player must stay for this goal to be completed.
delay float
StoryGoal listeners will not be notified until this many seconds after the goal is completed.


The registered Story.LocationGoal.

RegisterOnGoalUnlockData(string, UnlockBlueprintData[], UnlockSignalData[], UnlockItemData[], Id[])

Registers a new Story.OnGoalUnlock object for an existing goal. Handles complex actions that occur with the goal's completion.

Important: Since these are stored in a dictionary, only oneStory.OnGoalUnlock object can be added for each specific goal key. Therefore, be careful when adding unlock data to base-game features.

public static void RegisterOnGoalUnlockData(string goal, UnlockBlueprintData[] blueprints = null, UnlockSignalData[] signals = null, UnlockItemData[] items = null, GameAchievements.Id[] achievements = null)


goal string
The goal that is associated with this action.
blueprints UnlockBlueprintData[]
Array of blueprints that are unlocked alongside the given goal. The class has no constructor, so make sure you assign every field properly.
signals UnlockSignalData[]
Array of signals that are unlocked alongside the given goal. The class has no constructor, so make sure you assign every field properly.
items UnlockItemData[]
Array of items that are unlocked alongside the given goal. The class has no constructor, so make sure you assign every field properly.
achievements Id[]
Array of achievements that are unlocked alongside the given goal.


Unregisters a custom event.
public static void UnregisterCustomEvent(Action<string> customEventCallback)


customEventCallback Action<string>
The method to unregister.

UnregisterCustomEvent(string, Action)

Unregisters a custom event.
public static void UnregisterCustomEvent(string key, Action customEventCallback)


key string
The key of the goal that triggers the customEventCallback.
customEventCallback Action
The method to unregister.