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Class WorldEntityDatabaseHandler

A handler class for the UWE.WorldEntityDatabase. This class is essential for the game's Loot Distribution System to work properly.
public static class WorldEntityDatabaseHandler
Inherited Members


AddCustomInfo(string, TechType, Vector3, bool, CellLevel, Type)

Adds in a custom UWE.WorldEntityInfo to the UWE.WorldEntityDatabase of the game. It contains information about the entity, like its LargeWorldEntity.CellLevel, its EntitySlotData.EntitySlotType, etc.
public static void AddCustomInfo(string classId, TechType techType, Vector3 localScale, bool prefabZUp = false, LargeWorldEntity.CellLevel cellLevel = CellLevel.Global, EntitySlot.Type slotType = Type.Small)


classId string
The classId of the entity.
techType TechType
The TechType of the entity.
localScale Vector3
The scale that the entity's local scale is set to when spawned.
prefabZUp bool
Whether the prefab's Z-axis should be facing up, when spawned.
cellLevel LargeWorldEntity.CellLevel
The LargeWorldEntity.CellLevel of the entity.
slotType EntitySlot.Type
The EntitySlot.Type of the entity. Dictates which "slots" are suitable for this entity to spawn in. For e.g., most in-crate fragments have a EntitySlot.Type.Small slot type.

AddCustomInfo(string, WorldEntityInfo)

Adds in a custom UWE.WorldEntityInfo to the UWE.WorldEntityDatabase of the game. It contains information about the entity, like its LargeWorldEntity.CellLevel, its EntitySlot.Type, etc.
public static void AddCustomInfo(string classId, WorldEntityInfo data)


classId string
The classID of the entity whose data you are adding in.
data WorldEntityInfo
The UWE.WorldEntityInfo data. Data is stored in the fields of the class, so they must be populated when passed in.