Table of Contents

What are equipment types?

EquipmentType is an enum that handles special items. The possible values for this enum are listed below.

public enum EquipmentType
    None, // Normal item
    Hand, // The item can be equipped in the Hand slot
    Head, // The item can be equipped in the Head slot
    Body, // The item can be equipped in the Body slot
    Gloves, // The item can be equipped in the Gloves slot
    Foots, // The item can be equipped in the Feet slot
    Tank, // The item can be equipped in the Oxygen Tank slot
    Chip, // The item can be equipped in the Chip slots
    CyclopsModule, // The item can be equipped in the Cyclops as an upgrade module
    VehicleModule, // The item can be equipped both in the Seamoth and in the Prawn Suit as an upgrade module
    NuclearReactor, // The item can be used in a Nuclear Reactor
    BatteryCharger, // When batteries are thrown in it, they get charged (for buildables)
    PowerCellCharger, // When power cells are thrown in it, they get charged (for buildables)
    SeamothModule, // The item can be equipped in the Seamoth as an upgrade module
    ExosuitModule, // The item can be equipped in the Prawn Suit as an upgrade module
    ExosuitArm, // The item can be equipped in the Prawn Suit as an arm
    DecoySlot // (Need actual name) Possibly for the decoy tube thing in the cyclops

How can I create a custom background type?

Since equipment types are simply just enums, we can use the enum handler to create a new instance.

private void Awake()
    var myCustomEquipmentType = EnumHandler.AddEntry<EquipmentType>("CustomEquipmentType");

And that's it. Now you can use the new CraftData.BackgroundType instance anywhere you want.

How can edit an item's equipment type?

To edit an item's equipment type, you need to call the CraftDataHandler.SetEquipmentType method sitting in the Nautilus.Handlers namespace


The following example demonstrates the usage of SetEquipmentType that enables the player to wear titanium on their head.

CraftDataHandler.SetEquipmentType(TechType.Titanium, EquipmentType.Head);

Similarly, if we wanted to set the titanium's equipment type to our custom equipment type from earlier, it would look like the following:

CraftDataHandler.SetBackgroundType(TechType.Titanium, myCustomEquipmentType);

If you're setting the equipment type for a custom prefab, we recommend using the ICustomPrefab.SetEquipment method instead.

var customPrefab = new CustomPrefab("CustomItem", ".", ".");
// rest of the custom prefab configuration is omitted for brevity.

It is dangerous to edit equipment types for items that already have one, because they can break.
For instance, modifying the equipment type for the Radiation Helmet will disable the player from wearing it.