Table of Contents

Class ConsoleCommandsHandler

A handler class for registering your custom console commands.
public static class ConsoleCommandsHandler
Inherited Members


AddBiomeTeleportPosition(string, Vector3)

Adds a new teleport position to the "biome" command.
public static void AddBiomeTeleportPosition(string biomeName, Vector3 position)


biomeName string
The name of the teleport. Case-insensitive, no spaces allowed.
position Vector3
The world coordinates of the teleport.

AddGotoTeleportPosition(string, Vector3)

Adds a new teleport position to the "goto" command.
public static void AddGotoTeleportPosition(string locationName, Vector3 position)


locationName string
The name of the teleport. Case-insensitive, no spaces allowed.
position Vector3
The world coordinates of the teleport.

RegisterConsoleCommand(string, Type, string, Type[])

Registers your custom console command by targeting a publicstatic method.
public static void RegisterConsoleCommand(string command, Type declaringType, string methodName, Type[] parameters)


command string
The case-insensitive command to register.
declaringType Type
The declaring type that holds the method to call when the command is entered.
methodName string
The name of the method to call within the declaring type when the command is entered. Method must be static.
parameters Type[]
The parameter types the method receives, for targeting overloads.


Target method must be static.

The command can take parameters and will respect optional parameters as outlined in the method's signature.
Supported parameter types: string, bool, int, float, double.

If the method has a return type, it will be printed to both the screen and the log.

See Also

RegisterConsoleCommand<T>(string, T)

Registers your custom console command by passing a delegate.
public static void RegisterConsoleCommand<T>(string command, T callback) where T : Delegate


command string
The case-insensitive command to register.
callback T
The callback to handle the command.

Type Parameters

The delegate type.


Supported parameter types: string, bool, int, float, double.

If the delegate has a return type, it will be printed to both the screen and the log.

See Also


Registers publicstatic methods decorated with the ConsoleCommandAttribute within the type as console commands.
public static void RegisterConsoleCommands(Type type)


type Type


Target methods must be static.

Commands can take parameters and will respect optional parameters as outlined in the method's signature.
Supported parameter types: string, bool, int, float, double.

If a decorated method has a return type, it will be printed to both the screen and the log.

See Also