Table of Contents

Class CraftTreeHandler

A handler class for creating and modifying crafting trees.
public static class CraftTreeHandler
Inherited Members


AddCraftingNode(Type, TechType)

Adds a new crafting node to the root of the specified crafting tree
public static void AddCraftingNode(CraftTree.Type craftTree, TechType craftingItem)


craftTree CraftTree.Type
The target craft tree to edit.
craftingItem TechType
The item to craft.

AddCraftingNode(Type, TechType, params string[])

Adds a new crafting node to the root of the specified crafting tree, at the provided tab location.
public static void AddCraftingNode(CraftTree.Type craftTree, TechType craftingItem, params string[] stepsToTab)


craftTree CraftTree.Type
The target craft tree to edit.
craftingItem TechType
The item to craft.
stepsToTab string[]

The steps to the target tab.

These must match the id value of the CraftNode in the crafting tree you're targeting.

Do not include "root" in this path.

See or use the CraftTreeHandler.Paths class for examples of valid parameters.

AddTabNode(Type, string, string, Sprite)

Adds a new tab node to the root of the specified crafting tree.
public static void AddTabNode(CraftTree.Type craftTree, string name, string displayName, Atlas.Sprite sprite)


craftTree CraftTree.Type
The target craft tree to edit.
name string
The ID of the tab node. Must be unique!
displayName string
The display name of the tab, which will show up when you hover your mouse on the tab. If null or empty, this will use the language line "{craftTreeName}_{tabName}" instead.
sprite Atlas.Sprite
The sprite of the tab.

AddTabNode(Type, string, string, Sprite, params string[])

Adds a new tab node to the root of the specified crafting tree, at the specified tab location.
public static void AddTabNode(CraftTree.Type craftTree, string name, string displayName, Atlas.Sprite sprite, params string[] stepsToTab)


craftTree CraftTree.Type
The target craft tree to edit.
name string
The ID of the tab node. Must be unique!
displayName string
The display name of the tab, which will show up when you hover your mouse on the tab. If null or empty, this will use the language line "{craftTreeName}_{tabName}" instead.
sprite Atlas.Sprite
The sprite of the tab.
stepsToTab string[]

The steps to the target tab.

These must match the id value of the CraftNode in the crafting tree you're targeting.

Do not include "root" in this path.

See or use the CraftTreeHandler.Paths class for examples of valid parameters.

AddTabNode(Type, string, string, Sprite)

Adds a new tab node to the root of the specified crafting tree.
public static void AddTabNode(CraftTree.Type craftTree, string name, string displayName, Sprite sprite)


craftTree CraftTree.Type
The target craft tree to edit.
name string
The ID of the tab node. Must be unique!
displayName string
The display name of the tab, which will show up when you hover your mouse on the tab. If null or empty, this will use the language line "{craftTreeName}_{tabName}" instead.
sprite Sprite
The sprite of the tab.

AddTabNode(Type, string, string, Sprite, params string[])

Adds a new tab node to the root of the specified crafting tree, at the specified tab location.
public static void AddTabNode(CraftTree.Type craftTree, string name, string displayName, Sprite sprite, params string[] stepsToTab)


craftTree CraftTree.Type
The target craft tree to edit.
name string
The ID of the tab node. Must be unique!
displayName string
The display name of the tab, which will show up when you hover your mouse on the tab. If null or empty, this will use the language line "{craftTreeName}_{tabName}" instead.
sprite Sprite
The sprite of the tab.
stepsToTab string[]

The steps to the target tab.

These must match the id value of the CraftNode in the crafting tree you're targeting.

Do not include "root" in this path.

See or use the CraftTreeHandler.Paths class for examples of valid parameters.

RemoveNode(Type, params string[])

Removes a node at the specified node location. Can be used to remove either tabs or craft nodes.

If a tab node is selected, all child nodes to it will also be removed.

public static void RemoveNode(CraftTree.Type craftTree, params string[] stepsToNode)


craftTree CraftTree.Type
The target craft tree to edit.
stepsToNode string[]

The steps to the target node.

These must match the id value of the CraftNode in the crafting tree you're targeting.

This means matching the id of the crafted item or the id of the tab name.

Do not include "root" in this path.

See or use the CraftTreeHandler.Paths class for examples of valid parameters.