Table of Contents

SN1 Crafting Tree Paths

List of default crafting tree paths for use in the CraftingGadget.WithStepsToFabricatorTab(...) method, alongside any of the methods in the CraftTreeHandler class.

Remember that paths divided by slashes must always be separate strings when used in Nautilus functions. For example:

// EX1: Add the prefab to the Advanced Materials tab.
craftingGadget.WithStepsToFabricatorTab("Resources", "AdvancedMaterials");

// EX2: Add the prefab to the root of the fabricator.

// EX3: Add the prefab to the Vehicles tab of the mobile vehicle bay.

Fabricator (Fabricator):


  • BasicMaterials (Basic Materials)
    • [Craft nodes]
  • AdvancedMaterials (Advanced Materials)
    • [Craft nodes]
  • Electronics
    • [Craft nodes]


  • Water
    • [Craft nodes]
  • CookedFood (Cooked food)
    • [Craft nodes]
  • CuredFood (Cured food)
    • [Craft nodes]


  • Equipment
    • [Craft nodes]
  • Tools
    • [Craft nodes]


  • [Craft nodes]

Simplified list of paths

  • Resources/BasicMaterials
  • Resources/AdvancedMaterials
  • Resources/Electronics
  • Survival/Water
  • Survival/CookedFood
  • Survival/CuredFood
  • Personal/Equipment
  • Personal/Tools
  • Machines

Workbench (Modification station):

Not applicable; all crafting nodes are located in the root.

Constructor (Mobile vehicle bay):

  • Vehicles
    • [Craft nodes]
  • Rocket
    • [Craft nodes]

Simplified list of paths

  • Vehicles
  • Rocket


Not applicable; all crafting nodes are located in the root.


Not applicable; all crafting nodes are located in the root.

MapRoom (Scanner Room Fabricator):

Not applicable; all crafting nodes are located in the root.

SeamothUpgrades (Vehicle Upgrade Console):

CommonModules (Common Modules)

  • [Craft nodes]

SeamothModules (Seamoth Modules)

  • [Craft nodes]

ExosuitModules (Prawn Suit Modules)

  • [Craft nodes]

Torpedoes (Torpedoes)

  • [Craft nodes]

Simplified list of paths

  • CommonModules
  • SeamothModules
  • ExosuitModules
  • Torpedoes