Table of Contents

Class LootDistributionHandler

A handler that manages the distribution of spawned resources throughout the world. Used for fish, items, outcrops, fragments, eggs, etc...
public static class LootDistributionHandler
Inherited Members


AddLootDistributionData(PrefabInfo, IEnumerable<BiomeData>, WorldEntityInfo)

Adds in a custom entry into the Loot Distribution of the game.
public static void AddLootDistributionData(PrefabInfo prefabInfo, IEnumerable<LootDistributionData.BiomeData> biomeDistribution, WorldEntityInfo info)


prefabInfo PrefabInfo
The custom prefab which you want to spawn naturally in the game.
biomeDistribution IEnumerable<LootDistributionData.BiomeData>
The LootDistributionData.BiomeData dictating how the prefab should spawn in the world.
info WorldEntityInfo
The WorldEntityInfo of the prefab. For more information on how to set this up, see WorldEntityDatabaseHandler.

AddLootDistributionData(string, params BiomeData[])

Adds in a custom entry into Loot Distribution of the game.
public static void AddLootDistributionData(string classId, params LootDistributionData.BiomeData[] biomeDistribution)


classId string
The classId of the prefab.
biomeDistribution BiomeData[]
The LootDistributionData.BiomeData dictating how the prefab should spawn in the world.

AddLootDistributionData(string, SrcData)

Adds in a custom entry into the Loot Distribution of the game.
public static void AddLootDistributionData(string classId, LootDistributionData.SrcData data)


classId string
The classId of the prefab.
data LootDistributionData.SrcData
The LootDistributionData.SrcData that contains data related to the spawning of a prefab, also contains the path to the prefab.

AddLootDistributionData(string, SrcData, WorldEntityInfo)

Adds in a custom entry into the Loot Distribution of the game. You must also add the UWE.WorldEntityInfo into the UWE.WorldEntityDatabase using WorldEntityDatabaseHandler.
public static void AddLootDistributionData(string classId, LootDistributionData.SrcData data, WorldEntityInfo info)


classId string
The classId of the prefab.
data LootDistributionData.SrcData
The LootDistributionData.SrcData that contains data related to the spawning of a prefab, also contains the path to the prefab.
info WorldEntityInfo
The WorldEntityInfo of the prefab. For more information on how to set this up, see WorldEntityDatabaseHandler.

AddLootDistributionData(string, string, IEnumerable<BiomeData>)

Adds in a custom entry into the Loot Distribution of the game. You must also add the UWE.WorldEntityInfo into the UWE.WorldEntityDatabase using WorldEntityDatabaseHandler.
public static void AddLootDistributionData(string classId, string prefabPath, IEnumerable<LootDistributionData.BiomeData> biomeDistribution)


classId string
The classId of the prefab.
prefabPath string
The prefab path of the prefab.
biomeDistribution IEnumerable<LootDistributionData.BiomeData>
The LootDistributionData.BiomeData dictating how the prefab should spawn in the world.

AddLootDistributionData(string, string, IEnumerable<BiomeData>, WorldEntityInfo)

Adds in a custom entry into the Loot Distribution of the game.
public static void AddLootDistributionData(string classId, string prefabPath, IEnumerable<LootDistributionData.BiomeData> biomeDistribution, WorldEntityInfo info)


classId string
The classId of the prefab.
prefabPath string
The prefab path of the prefab.
biomeDistribution IEnumerable<LootDistributionData.BiomeData>
The LootDistributionData.BiomeData dictating how the prefab should spawn in the world.
info WorldEntityInfo
The WorldEntityInfo of the prefab. For more information on how to set this up, see WorldEntityDatabaseHandler.

AddLootDistributionData(string, WorldEntityInfo, params BiomeData[])

Adds in a custom entry into Loot Distribution of the game.
public static void AddLootDistributionData(string classId, WorldEntityInfo info, params LootDistributionData.BiomeData[] biomeDistribution)


classId string
The classId of the prefab.
info WorldEntityInfo
The WorldEntityInfo of the prefab. For more information on how to set this up, see WorldEntityDatabaseHandler.
biomeDistribution BiomeData[]
The LootDistributionData.BiomeData dictating how the prefab should spawn in the world.

EditLootDistributionData(string, BiomeType, float, int)

Edits Loot Distribution data for existing prefabs.
public static void EditLootDistributionData(string classId, BiomeType biome, float probability, int count)


classId string
The ClassID of the prefab. If unsure, use CraftData.GetClassIdForTechType.
biome BiomeType
The BiomeTypeto change the data for.
probability float
The desired probability.
count int
The number to spawn at a time when spawning happens.

EditLootDistributionData(string, IEnumerable<BiomeData>)

Edits Loot Distribution data for existing prefabs, for e.g. original game prefabs.
public static void EditLootDistributionData(string classId, IEnumerable<LootDistributionData.BiomeData> biomeDistribution)


classId string
The ClassID of the prefab. If unsure, use CraftData.GetClassIdForTechType.
biomeDistribution IEnumerable<LootDistributionData.BiomeData>
The list of LootDistributionData.BiomeData that contains information about how/when it should spawn in biomes.