Table of Contents

Class JsonUtils

A collection of utilities for interacting with JSON files.
public static class JsonUtils
Inherited Members


Load<T>(string, bool, params JsonConverter[])

Create an instance of T, populated with data from the JSON file at the given path.
public static T Load<T>(string path = null, bool createFileIfNotExist = true, params JsonConverter[] jsonConverters) where T : class, new()


path string
The path on disk at which the JSON file can be found.
createFileIfNotExist bool
Whether a new JSON file should be created with default values if it does not already exist.
jsonConverters JsonConverter[]
An array of Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverters to be used for deserialization.


The T instance populated with data from the JSON file at path, or default values if it cannot be found or an error is encountered while parsing the file.

Type Parameters

The type of object to initialise and populate with JSON data.
See Also

Load<T>(T, string, bool, params JsonConverter[])

Loads data from the JSON file at path into the jsonObject.
public static void Load<T>(T jsonObject, string path = null, bool createFileIfNotExist = true, params JsonConverter[] jsonConverters) where T : class


jsonObject T
The T instance to popular with JSON data.
path string
The path on disk at which the JSON file can be found.
createFileIfNotExist bool
Whether a new JSON file should be created with default values if it does not already exist.
jsonConverters JsonConverter[]
An array of Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverters to be used for deserialization.

Type Parameters

The type of jsonObject to populate with JSON data.
See Also

Save<T>(T, string, params JsonConverter[])

Saves the jsonObject parsed as JSON data to the JSON file at path, creating it if it does not exist.
public static void Save<T>(T jsonObject, string path = null, params JsonConverter[] jsonConverters) where T : class


jsonObject T
The T instance to parse into JSON data.
path string
The path on disk at which to store the JSON file.
jsonConverters JsonConverter[]
An array of Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverters to be used for serialization.

Type Parameters

The type of jsonObject to parse into JSON data.
See Also