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Editing Crafting Recipes

Recipes in Subnautica are combining one or multiple items to craft a new and more advanced item in various crafting stations.

Nautilus offers the RecipeData class with sufficient data for recipes.

Below is a table of all the parameters you may interact with in the RecipeData class.

Parameter Name Type Description
craftAmount int Amounts of copies of the item that is created for this recipe.
Ingredients List<TechType> A list of ingredients required for this recipe.
LinkedItems List<TechType> Items that will also be created when this recipe is crafted.

To register or edit recipes, use the Nautilus.Handlers.CraftDataHandler.SetRecipeData() method.


The following examples demonstrate the usage of the SetRecipeData method.

// Set the Titanium Ingot's recipe to only two titaniums
RecipeData titaniumIngotRecipe = new RecipeData(new CraftData.Ingredient(TechType.Titanium, 2));

// register the recipe
CraftDataHandler.SetRecipeData(TechType.TitaniumIngot, titaniumIngotRecipe);

// Make the scrap metal recipe yield 10 titaniums instead of 5
RecipeData scrapMetalRecipe = new RecipeData
    // We don't want to get a new scrap metal in this recipe, so it should be 0.
    craftAmount = 0,
    // Require a scrap metal for the recipe
    Ingredients =
	    new CraftData.Ingredient(TechType.ScrapMetal)
    // Yield 10 titaniums when crafted
    LinkedItems = Enumerable.Repeat(TechType.Titanium, 10).ToList()

// register the recipe
CraftDataHandler.SetRecipeData(TechType.ScrapMetal, scrapMetalRecipe);

See also