Table of Contents

Class FModMultiSounds

This class is used to register FMOD events with multiple sounds in one event.
public class FModMultiSounds : IFModSound
Inherited Members
Extension Methods


FModMultiSounds(Sound[], string, bool)

Constructs a new instance of FModMultiSounds. Used to register FMOD events with multiple sounds in one event.
public FModMultiSounds(Sound[] sounds, string busPath, bool randomizeSounds = false)


sounds Sound[]
The sounds to register for this object. Please ensure that none of the sounds are on FMOD.MODE.LOOP_NORMAL or FMOD.MODE.LOOP_BIDI modes.
busPath string
FMOD.Studio.Bus path to play these sounds under.
randomizeSounds bool
Makes the sounds play in a randomized order. when false, sounds will play subsequently.

FModMultiSounds(string[], MODE, string, bool)

Constructs a new instance of FModMultiSounds. Used to register FMOD events with multiple sounds in one event.
public FModMultiSounds(string[] soundPaths, MODE mode, string busPath, bool randomizeSounds = false)


soundPaths string[]
The sound paths to register for this object. Paths must be relative to the base game folder.
mode MODE
The mode to set the clips to. Cannot be MODE.LOOP_NORMAL or MODE.LOOP_BIDI.
busPath string
FMOD.Studio.Bus path to play these sounds under.
randomizeSounds bool
Makes the sounds play in a randomized order. when false, sounds will play subsequently.

FModMultiSounds(AudioClip[], MODE, string, bool)

Constructs a new instance of FModMultiSounds. Used to register FMOD events with multiple sounds in one event.
public FModMultiSounds(AudioClip[] clips, MODE mode, string busPath, bool randomizeSounds = false)


clips AudioClip[]
The clips to register for this object.
mode MODE
The mode to set the clips to. Cannot be MODE.LOOP_NORMAL or MODE.LOOP_BIDI.
busPath string
FMOD.Studio.Bus path to play these sounds under.
randomizeSounds bool
Makes the sounds play in a randomized order. when false, sounds will play subsequently.



Makes the sounds play in a randomized order. when false, sounds will play subsequently.
public bool randomizeSounds

Field Value
