Table of Contents

Class KnownTechHandler

A handler class for configuring custom unlocking conditions for item blueprints.
public static class KnownTechHandler
Inherited Members


AddRequirementForUnlock(TechType, TechType)

Unlocks the blueprint when the requirement tech type is unlocked.
public static void AddRequirementForUnlock(TechType blueprint, TechType requirement)


blueprint TechType
The blueprint to unlock.
requirement TechType
The tech type that will unlock the specified blueprint once unlocked.


Allows you to remove all unlock entries from a TechType to be able to disable or change it to a new unlock.
public static void RemoveAllCurrentAnalysisTechEntry(TechType targetTechType)


targetTechType TechType
Target TechType to remove the unlocks for.


The unlock entry for analysis techs for the specified targetTechType will not be removed. I.E: This method will not remove self-unlocks.
To also target unlock entry removal for the specified tech type's analysis tech entry, use RemoveAnalysisTechEntryFromSpecific(TechType, List<TechType>) instead.
See Also

RemoveAnalysisTechEntryFromSpecific(TechType, List<TechType>)

Allows you to remove unlock entries for a TechType from specific entries.
public static void RemoveAnalysisTechEntryFromSpecific(TechType targetTechType, List<TechType> techTypes)


targetTechType TechType
Target TechType to remove the unlocks for.
techTypes List<TechType>
List of TechType to remove the targetTechType from.
See Also


Allows you to remove a TechType from being unlocked by default.
public static void RemoveDefaultUnlock(TechType techType)


techType TechType


Allows you to define which TechTypes are unlocked when a certain TechType is unlocked, i.e., "analysed". If there is already an existing AnalysisTech entry for a TechType, all the TechTypes in KnownTech.AnalysisTech.unlockTechTypes will be added to the existing AnalysisTech entry unlocks. ***Note: This will not remove any original unlock and if you need to do so you should use RemoveAllCurrentAnalysisTechEntry(TechType) before calling this method.
public static void SetAnalysisTechEntry(KnownTech.AnalysisTech analysisTech)


analysisTech KnownTech.AnalysisTech
The analysis tech entry to add.

SetAnalysisTechEntry(TechType, IEnumerable<TechType>)

Allows you to define which TechTypes are unlocked when a certain TechType is unlocked, i.e., "analysed". If there is already an existing AnalysisTech entry for a TechType, all the TechTypes in "techTypesToUnlock" will be added to the existing AnalysisTech entry unlocks. ***Note: This will not remove any original unlock and if you need to do so you should use RemoveAllCurrentAnalysisTechEntry(TechType) before calling this method.
public static void SetAnalysisTechEntry(TechType techTypeToBeAnalysed, IEnumerable<TechType> techTypesToUnlock)


techTypeToBeAnalysed TechType
This TechType is the criteria for all of the "unlock TechTypes"; when this TechType is unlocked, so are all the ones in that list
techTypesToUnlock IEnumerable<TechType>
The TechTypes that will be unlocked when "techTypeToSet" is unlocked.

SetAnalysisTechEntry(TechType, IEnumerable<TechType>, FMODAsset)

Allows you to define which TechTypes are unlocked when a certain TechType is unlocked, i.e., "analysed". If there is already an existing AnalysisTech entry for a TechType, all the TechTypes in "techTypesToUnlock" will be added to the existing AnalysisTech entry unlocks. ***Note: This will not remove any original unlock and if you need to do so you should use RemoveAllCurrentAnalysisTechEntry(TechType) before calling this method.
public static void SetAnalysisTechEntry(TechType techTypeToBeAnalysed, IEnumerable<TechType> techTypesToUnlock, FMODAsset unlockSound)


techTypeToBeAnalysed TechType
This TechType is the criteria for all of the "unlock TechTypes"; when this TechType is unlocked, so are all the ones in that list
techTypesToUnlock IEnumerable<TechType>
The TechTypes that will be unlocked when "techTypeToSet" is unlocked.
unlockSound FMODAsset
The sound that plays when you unlock the blueprint.

SetAnalysisTechEntry(TechType, IEnumerable<TechType>, FMODAsset, Sprite)

Allows you to define which TechTypes are unlocked when a certain TechType is unlocked, i.e., "analysed". If there is already an existing AnalysisTech entry for a TechType, all the TechTypes in "techTypesToUnlock" will be added to the existing AnalysisTech entry unlocks. ***Note: This will not remove any original unlock and if you need to do so you should use RemoveAllCurrentAnalysisTechEntry(TechType) before calling this method.
public static void SetAnalysisTechEntry(TechType techTypeToBeAnalysed, IEnumerable<TechType> techTypesToUnlock, FMODAsset unlockSound, Sprite unlockSprite)


techTypeToBeAnalysed TechType
This TechType is the criteria for all of the "unlock TechTypes"; when this TechType is unlocked, so are all the ones in that list
techTypesToUnlock IEnumerable<TechType>
The TechTypes that will be unlocked when "techTypeToSet" is unlocked.
unlockSound FMODAsset
The sound that plays when you unlock the blueprint. See KnownTechHandler.DefaultUnlockData for a list of some valid parameters.
unlockSprite Sprite
The sprite that shows up when you unlock the blueprint.

SetAnalysisTechEntry(TechType, IEnumerable<TechType>, FMODAsset, Sprite, List<StoryGoal>)

Allows you to define which TechTypes are unlocked when a certain TechType is unlocked, i.e., "analysed". If there is already an existing AnalysisTech entry for a TechType, all the TechTypes in "techTypesToUnlock" will be added to the existing AnalysisTech entry unlocks. ***Note: This will not remove any original unlock and if you need to do so you should use RemoveAllCurrentAnalysisTechEntry(TechType) before calling this method.
public static void SetAnalysisTechEntry(TechType techTypeToBeAnalysed, IEnumerable<TechType> techTypesToUnlock, FMODAsset unlockSound, Sprite unlockSprite, List<StoryGoal> storyGoals)


techTypeToBeAnalysed TechType
This TechType is the criteria for all of the "unlock TechTypes"; when this TechType is unlocked, so are all the ones in that list
techTypesToUnlock IEnumerable<TechType>
The TechTypes that will be unlocked when "techTypeToSet" is unlocked.
unlockSound FMODAsset
The sound that plays when you unlock the blueprint.
unlockSprite Sprite
The sprite that shows up when you unlock the blueprint.
storyGoals List<StoryGoal>
The story goals that will be triggered when you unlock the blueprint.

SetAnalysisTechEntry(TechType, IEnumerable<TechType>, string)

Allows you to define which TechTypes are unlocked when a certain TechType is unlocked, i.e., "analysed". If there is already an existing AnalysisTech entry for a TechType, all the TechTypes in "techTypesToUnlock" will be added to the existing AnalysisTech entry unlocks. ***Note: This will not remove any original unlock and if you need to do so you should use RemoveAllCurrentAnalysisTechEntry(TechType) before calling this method.
public static void SetAnalysisTechEntry(TechType techTypeToBeAnalysed, IEnumerable<TechType> techTypesToUnlock, string unlockMessage)


techTypeToBeAnalysed TechType
This TechType is the criteria for all of the "unlock TechTypes"; when this TechType is unlocked, so are all the ones in that list
techTypesToUnlock IEnumerable<TechType>
The TechTypes that will be unlocked when "techTypeToSet" is unlocked.
unlockMessage string
The message that shows up on the right when the blueprint is unlocked. See KnownTechHandler.DefaultUnlockData for a list of some valid parameters.

SetAnalysisTechEntry(TechType, IEnumerable<TechType>, string, FMODAsset)

Allows you to define which TechTypes are unlocked when a certain TechType is unlocked, i.e., "analysed". If there is already an existing AnalysisTech entry for a TechType, all the TechTypes in "techTypesToUnlock" will be added to the existing AnalysisTech entry unlocks. ***Note: This will not remove any original unlock and if you need to do so you should use RemoveAllCurrentAnalysisTechEntry(TechType) before calling this method.
public static void SetAnalysisTechEntry(TechType techTypeToBeAnalysed, IEnumerable<TechType> techTypesToUnlock, string unlockMessage, FMODAsset unlockSound)


techTypeToBeAnalysed TechType
This TechType is the criteria for all of the "unlock TechTypes"; when this TechType is unlocked, so are all the ones in that list
techTypesToUnlock IEnumerable<TechType>
The TechTypes that will be unlocked when "techTypeToSet" is unlocked.
unlockMessage string
The message that shows up on the right when the blueprint is unlocked. See KnownTechHandler.DefaultUnlockData for a list of some valid parameters.
unlockSound FMODAsset
The sound that plays when you unlock the blueprint. See KnownTechHandler.DefaultUnlockData for a list of some valid parameters.

SetAnalysisTechEntry(TechType, IEnumerable<TechType>, string, Sprite)

Allows you to define which TechTypes are unlocked when a certain TechType is unlocked, i.e., "analysed". If there is already an existing AnalysisTech entry for a TechType, all the TechTypes in "techTypesToUnlock" will be added to the existing AnalysisTech entry unlocks. ***Note: This will not remove any original unlock and if you need to do so you should use RemoveAllCurrentAnalysisTechEntry(TechType) before calling this method.
public static void SetAnalysisTechEntry(TechType techTypeToBeAnalysed, IEnumerable<TechType> techTypesToUnlock, string unlockMessage, Sprite unlockSprite)


techTypeToBeAnalysed TechType
This TechType is the criteria for all of the "unlock TechTypes"; when this TechType is unlocked, so are all the ones in that list
techTypesToUnlock IEnumerable<TechType>
The TechTypes that will be unlocked when "techTypeToSet" is unlocked.
unlockMessage string
The message that shows up on the right when the blueprint is unlocked. See KnownTechHandler.DefaultUnlockData for a list of some valid parameters.
unlockSprite Sprite
The sprite that shows up when you unlock the blueprint.

SetAnalysisTechEntry(TechType, IEnumerable<TechType>, Sprite)

Allows you to define which TechTypes are unlocked when a certain TechType is unlocked, i.e., "analysed". If there is already an exisitng AnalysisTech entry for a TechType, all the TechTypes in "techTypesToUnlock" will be added to the existing AnalysisTech entry unlocks. ***Note: This will not remove any original unlock and if you need to do so you should use RemoveAllCurrentAnalysisTechEntry(TechType) before calling this method.
public static void SetAnalysisTechEntry(TechType techTypeToBeAnalysed, IEnumerable<TechType> techTypesToUnlock, Sprite unlockSprite)


techTypeToBeAnalysed TechType
This TechType is the criteria for all of the "unlock TechTypes"; when this TechType is unlocked, so are all the ones in that list
techTypesToUnlock IEnumerable<TechType>
The TechTypes that will be unlocked when "techTypeToSet" is unlocked.
unlockSprite Sprite
The sprite that shows up when you unlock the blueprint.

SetCompoundUnlock(TechType, List<TechType>)

Allows you to set up a custom Compound Unlock requiring multiple techtypes to be unlocked before 1 is. ***Note: This will not remove any original unlock and if you need to do so you should use RemoveAllCurrentAnalysisTechEntry(TechType) before calling this method.
public static void SetCompoundUnlock(TechType techType, List<TechType> compoundTechsForUnlock)


techType TechType
compoundTechsForUnlock List<TechType>


Makes the specified tech type hard locked. Hard locking means that the tech type will not be unlocked via the unlockall command and will not be unlocked by default in creative.
public static void SetHardLocked(TechType techType)


techType TechType
The tech type to set as hard locked.


Calling this method will remove the specified item from being unlocked at start.
See Also


Allows you to unlock a TechType on game start.
public static void UnlockOnStart(TechType techType)


techType TechType
The TechType to unlock at start.