Table of Contents

Class BiomeUtils

Utility class containing methods related to creating custom biomes.
public static class BiomeUtils
Inherited Members


CreateBiomeSettings(Vector3, float, Color, float, Color, float, float, float, float, float)

A shorthand for creating an instance of the WaterscapeVolume.Settings class.

A list of base game values can be found on this page:

public static WaterscapeVolume.Settings CreateBiomeSettings(Vector3 absorption, float scattering, Color scatteringColor, float murkiness, Color emissive, float emissiveScale = 1, float startDistance = 25, float sunlightScale = 1, float ambientScale = 1, float temperature = 24)


absorption Vector3
Attenuation coefficients of light (1/cm), red green and blue respectively. The default value is 100f, 18.29155f, 3.531373f.
scattering float
The strength of light scattering, 1f by default.
scatteringColor Color
The color of light scattering. Default value is white.
murkiness float
The murkiness of the water. Default value is 1f, recommended range is 0f-20f.
emissive Color
The emission color of the fog. Default value is black.
emissiveScale float
The emission strength of the fog. Default value is 1f.
startDistance float
The starting distance of the fog. Default value is 25f. Don't make this too high.
sunlightScale float
The strength of sunlight in this biome. Default value is 1f.
ambientScale float
The strength of ambient light in this biome. Default value is 1f.
temperature float
The temperature of this biome in Celsius. Default value is 24f.


An instance of the class with all settings applied.

CreateSkyPrefab(string, Texture, bool, bool)

Creates a new basic Sky prefab.
public static BiomeUtils.SkyPrefabFixer CreateSkyPrefab(string name, Texture specularCube, bool affectedByDayNightCycle = true, bool outdoors = true)


name string
The name of the Sky, can be anything.
specularCube Texture
The texture of the Sky, VERY important in determining reflections.
affectedByDayNightCycle bool
If true, the Sky will appear darker at night and brighter at day.
outdoors bool
Whether this sky is outdoors or not (should be false for the interiors of player-made structures).


The SkyPrefabFixer component for further modification (this is necessary to get around a Unity bug).