Table of Contents

Using the Story Goal system

The progression of Subnautica is primarily based around the Story Goal system. This system is composed of the StoryGoalManager class and several sub-systems which together handle hundreds of different goals, each with their own unique triggers and effects on completion.

Nautilus provides a new handler for accessing this system, which was not available in SMLHelper. This guide covers the basics of how to use them, and how they may help you implement certain features into your mod.

Vanilla use-cases

  • Alien data terminals
  • Data consoles in Alterra Wrecks
  • Most story events & progression
  • The PDA databank tab
  • The PDA log tab (any sort of voice lines that play during progression!)
    • The radio, which is an extension of the log system.

Possible actions on completion

  • Adding items to the player's inventory
  • Adding PDA databank entries
  • Adding pending radio messages.
  • Playing voice lines through the PDA log system
  • Triggering custom events (this in particular means that a goal can do ANYTHING on completion!)
  • Unlocking achievements
  • Unlocking blueprints
  • Unlocking signal locations

The StoryGoal class

The StoryGoal object is the basis of all StoryGoals.

Every Story Goal has a key, delay, and GoalType. It can also have associated data for what happens on completion, which must be defined in another class. An example of this is the OnGoalUnlockTracker (see StoryGoalHandler.RegisterOnGoalUnlockData).

Many sub-classes and trackers exist to automate the unlocking process, as shown in the next section.


A StoryGoal object can be instantiated directly, without accessing the StoryGoalHandler or any goal tracking classes. However, a goal created in this way must be triggered manually through its Trigger() method.


These internal game classes manage the automatic unlocking of specific goals. You do not need to access them directly, but they are listed below to allow a deeper understanding of how this system works:

Tracker type Description
ItemGoalTracker Completes a goal (or multiple) when an object with the given TechType is picked up, equipped, or crafted through the Mobile Vehicle Bay.
BiomeGoalTracker Completes a goal when the player stays in a given biome for a specified period of time.
LocationGoalTracker Completes a goal when the player stays within range of a certain position for a specified period of time.
CompoundGoalTracker Completes a goal when all required "precondition" goals have been completed.

See the creating goals section for a list of methods that allow access to these systems.


Every Story Goal has an assigned Goal Type which determines the action that is executed on completion (if any):

GoalType Purpose
GoalType.Story Generic GoalType with no default effects. Primarily used for tracking story progress and triggering custom events.
GoalType.Encyclopedia Adds a PDA databank entry on completion with the corresponding key. Also see PDAHandler.AddEncyclopediaEntry(...).
GoalType.PDA Adds a PDA Log message with the corresponding key. Also see PDAHandler.AddLogEntry(...).
GoalType.Radio Adds a pending radio message with the corresponding key. Also see PDAHandler.AddLogEntry(...).


This is the main class for interacting with the game's Story Goal system. It allows you to add goals to specific trackers and gives you full control over their actions on completion.


As of now, the StoryGoalHandler class has only been tested for the first Subnautica game. If you notice any issues with Below Zero, remember you can always contribute.

A more comprehensive overview of the class can be viewed here.

Creating goals

There are various ways to create Story Goals, and different methods are recommended for different purposes. Remember Story Goals do nothing on their own, and you should also see the section on actions on completion to use them to their full potential.

Method Notes
new StoryGoal(string key, GoalType goalType, float delay) Creates a new StoryGoal that must be completed manually (through the Trigger() method).
RegisterItemGoal(...) Adds a new goal to the ItemGoalTracker system. This goal is completed when an object with the given TechType is picked up, equipped, or crafted through the Mobile Vehicle Bay.
RegisterBiomeGoal(...) Adds a new goal to the BiomeGoalTracker system. This goal is completed when the player stays in a given biome for a specified period of time.
RegisterLocationGoal(...) Adds a new goal to the LocationGoalTracker system. This goal is completed when the player stays within range of a certain position for a specified period of time.
RegisterCompoundGoal(...) Adds a new goal to the CompoundGoalTracker system. This goal is completed when all other specified "prerequisite" goals are completed.

Completing goals

Story goals can be completed in various ways, some more useful than others:

Method Notes
Automatically, through the tracker systems (handled by the StoryGoalHandler). This is the easiest way to add story goals and is recommended for typical use cases. No extra code is required; this is handled by the StoryGoalHandler methods.
StoryGoal.Trigger() (instance) This is the recommended method for manually unlocking goals without a tracker. When called, schedules the goal for completion (based on the delay), then executes all associated actions.
StoryGoalManager.main.OnGoalComplete(string key) Returns false if the goal has already been completed. Otherwise, returns true and adds the goal instantly. Has no delay and does not apply the actions defined by the goal's GoalType.
StoryGoal.Execute(string key, GoalType goalType) (static) Instantly completes a goal by calling OnGoalComplete, without applying the delay. Properly applies the actions defined by the goal's GoalType.

The most proper way to complete a Story Goal is through calling the StoryGoal.Trigger() method on a given instance. This specifically applies for goals created through the new StoryGoal(...) constructor rather than through any aforementioned methods. This is the only way to ensure the delay is applied properly and all actions are executed.

Actions on completion

Within the StoryGoalHandler class, the action(s) on completion can be defined in a couple ways:

Method Notes
StoryGoalHandler.RegisterCustomEvent(string key, Action customEventCallback) Allows code of any length to be run when the goal is completed.
StoryGoalHandler.RegisterOnGoalUnlockData(...) Allows the user to define any blueprints, items, signals or achievements that are gained on completion.


Example code for registering a Story Goal is shown below. This goal will be triggered after staying in the Kelp Forest for 30 seconds or more. On completion it plays a voice line, kills the player, and unlocks the Seamoth blueprint.

using Story;

// ...

// Register the goal to the BiomeGoalTracker. A GoalType of PDA means that this goal will trigger a PDA line and add it to the log on completion:
StoryGoalHandler.RegisterBiomeGoal("KelpForestEnjoyer", GoalType.PDA, biomeName: "kelpForest", minStayDuration: 30f, delay: 3f);
// Register the PDA voice line. Note how the key matches the key of the story goal:
PDAHandler.AddLogEntry("KelpForestEnjoyer", "KelpForestEnjoyer", sound);
// Set the English translation for PDA message's subtitles:
LanguageHandler.SetLanguageLine("KelpForestEnjoyer", "Congratulations for staying in the Kelp Forest for 30 seconds!", "English");

// Add a custom event that kills the player when this goal is completed:
StoryGoalHandler.RegisterCustomEvent("KelpForestEnjoyer", () =>

// Unlock the seamoth on completion of this goal:
StoryGoalHandler.RegisterOnGoalUnlockData("KelpForestEnjoyer", blueprints: new Story.UnlockBlueprintData[]
    new Story.UnlockBlueprintData() {techType = TechType.Seamoth, unlockType = Story.UnlockBlueprintData.UnlockType.Available},

Saving progress

Every story goal can only be completed once, so no custom saving logic is required.

The StoryGoalManager.main.OnGoalComplete(string key) method can be used for one-time events (WITHOUT story goals!) because it will only return true once for any given string, which persists between game sessions.

The StoryGoalManager.main.IsGoalComplete(string key) method can be used to check if a goal with the given key has already been completed.


The Story Goal system is a powerful tool for creating story and exploration-driven progression in Subnautica mods. By using the methods within the StoryGoalHandler class, you can easily add goals and customize their effects upon completion.